In recent years, our community has faced its fair share of uncertainty and challenges. Through all the tough times, our community spirit and generosity continue to hold strong.
At the heart of our community’s resilience are the volunteers.
They’re the unsung heroes, tirelessly dedicating themselves to improving life for everyone around them.
Their impact goes beyond simply lending a hand; volunteers help create a sense of purpose and belonging within our community. They generously give their time, skills, empathy, and creativity for the greater good, enriching our community with their diverse perspectives and innovative ideas.
Without volunteers, the impactful work we do at United Way Halton & Hamilton would simply be impossible. From our Board, to our Campaign Cabinet, Community Impact Cabinet, and all of our committees, volunteers are the lifeblood that sustains our efforts and drives our impact.
But their influence doesn’t end there.
Volunteers also play a crucial role in the agencies we support, from fundraising to event organization and strategic planning.
In recent years, volunteers have been more crucial than ever in helping our community navigate through economic and social challenges. Whether its food bank volunteers providing essential support to those in need, or event organizers combatting loneliness and isolation, their dedication has been a lifeline for many.
It’s hard to imagine what our community would look like without their dedication and support.
As we approach this year’s National Volunteer Week from April 14 – 20, themed “Every Moment Matters,” it’s crucial to recognize the significance of each and every volunteer. Their impact, particularly during times of need, cannot be overstated.
Volunteers understand that achieving the quality of life we all aspire to is not a journey we undertake alone; it’s about uniting to amplify our impact. Together, we possess the power to shape our neighbourhoods, culture, and society for ourselves and future generations.
It reminds me of the famous statement, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”
As new generations come of age and our community embraces newcomers to Canada, let’s continue to share the message that volunteering matters.
By instilling the value of giving back in our youth, we cultivate a sense of responsibility towards others and pave the way for a brighter future.
To all our volunteers, a heartfelt thank you from the entire United Way team for your invaluable contributions. Your dedication is helping our community not just survive, but thrive once again.
With gratitude,
Brad Park
President and CEO
United Way Halton & Hamilton
P.S. This year’s Show Your Local Love Day takes place on May 15. You can pick a volunteer project that helps local United Way-supported agencies provide assistance to the most vulnerable people in our community. Register today at!