Imagine receiving the devastating news that a beloved daughter, sister, or family member has lost her life—simply because she was a woman. It’s a tragic reality no family should ever...
Gareth and Janice Wright* loved raising their three young kids in the quiet Ancaster neighbourhood where they’d both grown up. Life was steady, filled with familiar routines—until Gareth lost his...
Every year on Remembrance Day, we pause to reflect on the sacrifices—some ultimate—made by those who have served in defense of our freedoms. Their courage, commitment, and selflessness remind us...
The cool autumn air and bright fall colours that begin to decorate our landscape signal my favourite time of year. I enjoy Thanksgiving because it is a time for reflection—a...
Imagine living in a community where the most vulnerable have a safe home to lay their head and nutritious food to eat. A place where friends and neighbours can access...
Labour Day is more than just a holiday. It is a yearly reminder of how collective action and unity can positively transform our communities. At United Way Halton & Hamilton,...